Copperleaf - Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA - Dental

InHand Dental

In Hand Dental ™ (TeleDental) is a dynamic Care Platform

In Hand Dental ™ (TeleDental) is a dynamic Care Platform that combines the flexibility of clear aligner treatments with the effectiveness of doctor-supervised care.
From straightening smiles faster to freeing up valuable chair time, the In Hand Dental™ app ensures the best possible aligner results for you and your patients.
Reach new levels of profitability, eliminate wasted time and have your patients smiling quicker by optimizing aligner treatments with In Hand Dental™ .

Copperleaf - Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA - InHand Dental/TeleDental

Teledentistry for your Growing Practice

In Hand Dental is a HIPAA-compliant teledentistry platform that connects dentists and orthodontists with their patients. Our solution provides competitively priced recall, remote dental monitoring, lead generation and virtual visits. 

In Hand Dental allows doctors to see more patients but with less chair time. Patients receive excellent doctor-supervised care through the app, with features that include:

Treatment templates :

invisible aligners

wired braces





myofunctional Therapy