Copperleaf - Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA - BDF

Revolutionary Digital Radiology Tablet - PaperPads by Piosoft

PaperPads by Piosoft: The Future of Radiological Imaging and Reporting

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of PaperPads by Piosoft, where we are redefining the standards of radiological imaging and reporting. Our groundbreaking digital radiology tablet marks the end of an era for traditional physical keypads, ushering in a new age of efficiency, customization, and ergonomic design in healthcare technology.

Transforming Radiological Workflows

PaperPads by Piosoft is not just a tablet; it’s a multifaceted revolution in the field of radiology. Designed with the needs of clinicians and radiologists in mind, our tablet seamlessly converts all existing physical keypad functions onto one digital platform. This integration offers unparalleled standardization across various radiological systems, making it an invaluable tool for Radiology and Breast Imaging Departments.

Copperleaf - Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA - SLIDER_X-Ray

Customization at Your Fingertips

Understanding that every clinician’s needs are unique, PaperPads offers individualized and customized digital designs. This unique feature allows you to personalize your digital workspace, ensuring that you have all the tools you need in the format that works best for you. Say goodbye to the clutter and limitations of multiple physical keypads and embrace the simplicity and power of customization.

An Ergonomic Solution for Clinicians

Ergonomics is at the heart of PaperPads. Our tablet is designed to reduce strain and increase comfort, making long hours of image reviewing and reporting more manageable. The intuitive interface and responsive design ensure that every interaction is smooth, natural, and efficient.

Streamlined Access with Our Workflow Manager

The PaperPads Workflow Manager is a game-changer. It allows you to effortlessly access any keypad solution you need, significantly simplifying your workflow. Whether it’s viewing images, creating custom reports, or using shortcut keys for dedicated viewers, everything is available at your fingertips on the same device.

Copperleaf - Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA - piosoft

All-in-One Digital Keypad Solution

PaperPads Digital Mouse is the epitome of innovation, combining all keypad designs into one cohesive, efficient solution. This integration not only saves space and reduces the need for multiple devices but also streamlines your workflow, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – patient care.

Experience PaperPads Today

We invite you to experience the future of radiological imaging and reporting. Request a demo of our Concierge Radiology Workflow Manager and see firsthand how PaperPads by Piosoft can transform your radiological practice. Join us in this technological revolution and take the first step towards a more efficient, customizable, and ergonomic radiological experience.